Ecotoxocicological assessment of antifouling biocides and non-biocidal antifouling paints 2. Copper2.1 Copper concentrations measured in the vicinity of pleasure craft
harbours 2.1 Copper concentrations measured in the vicinity of pleasure craft harboursDenmark The copper content in harbour sediments from other localities in the area has also been analysed. The highest concentrations were found at the slipways in Bønnerup harbour (7,000-8,000 mg/kg dry weight), which is a combination of a pleasure craft and fishing harbour, and in Århus fishing port (1,600-2,400 mg/kg dry weight). The copper concentrations in the basins were 15-70 mg/kg dry weight in Bønnerup harbour and 100-400 mg/kg dry weight in Århus fishing port. In the sediment from Ebeltoft, Grenå and Hov Bedding, the concentrations were 280, 490 and 1,200 mg/kg dry weight, respectively (Jensen and Heslop 1997b). The county of Funen has measured copper contents in sediment from 5 to 110 mg/kg dry weight in harbours (The County of Funen 1999). From the Little Belt, dated sediment cores have been analysed so that the temporal development of the copper content might be assessed. The measurements in the sediment cores showed a significantly increasing content of copper in the vicinity of Als, an upward trend at four stations and constant/varying concentrations at four other stations. The copper content in the cores varied from 19 to 46 mg/kg dry weight. Sweden France Background concentrations In harbours and neighbouring waters, concentrations above normal of copper have thus been found in both sediments and water samples, i.e. in pleasure craft harbours up to a factor of 30 times the background concentration in sediments and up to a factor of 10-15 times the background concentration in water. 2.2 Transformation and bioavailability of copper in water and sedimentBioavailability It is often accepted that primarily the free copper ions (Cu2+) may pass cell membranes and thus constitute the bioavailable and toxic part of copper (Campbell 1995). It has, however, been demonstrated that other copper ions and lipid-bound copper may also pass cell membranes and may thus also be bioavailable (Allen 1993). Sequestration Sedimentation, speciation and bioavailability Speciation of copper in sediments is controlled by dynamic and reversible processes (Calmano et al. 1990). E.g., copper sequestrated to reduced compounds (organic matter and sulfides) may be released from the sediment to the above water due to oxidation as a result of resuspension or bioturbation (Petersen et al. 1997; Ciceri et al. 1992; Westerlund et al. 1986), or a redistribution may take place sequestrating copper in oxidized compounds instead (e.g., ferric or manganese oxides and hydroxides). These compounds are considered unstable while sulfides and organic substances are characterized as more stable (Förstner et al. 1990; Calmano et al. 1990). In anoxic sediments, e.g., in fine-grained sediments with high content of organic matter, copper will typically sorb to sulfides and organic matter while, at good oxygen conditions, copper will typically be sequestrated to compounds like ferric oxides, manganese oxides and hydroxides. Metal sulfides are recalcitrant but relatively easily and rapidly oxidized at good oxygen conditions (Förstner 1985). The bioavailability of copper in sediments is an extremely complex phenomenon that does not depend only on the speciation and the sediment but also on the physiology and food choice of the exposed organisms (Slotton and Reuter 1995). It has been demonstrated that the bioavailability may be specific for individual species and that variations occur within the same species related to age, sex and size of the organism (Lewis 1995). Furthermore, it has been shown that the organisms take up more easily metals sorbed to easily digested food than metals sorbed to food hard to digest (Wang and Fisher 1996). Digestive enzymes in the intestine ensure a high utilization of the food (Forbes et al. 1998), which may also result in an increased uptake of copper from sediment. Assessment of bioavailability In attempts to predict the bioavailability of metals in sediments on the basis of chemical analyses, various extraction and fractionation guidelines have been developed for analyses of copper sequestrated to carbonates, manganese oxides, ferric oxides and organic substances (e.g., Förstner 1985). The problem in these extraction and fractionation guidelines is, however, to interpret which species are bioavailable. On the basis of investigations showing a correlation between the cadmium concentration in pore water in sediment and the acute toxicity of cadmium-added sediment to an amphipod (crustacean living in holes in the sediment), the assumption that the content in the pore water represented the bioavailable part of cadmium was proposed (Ankley et al. 1994). In similar investigations of the effects of cadmium on other amphipods, Di Toro et al. (1990 cf. Ankley 1996) have demonstrated that the acute toxicity of cadmium may be predicted on the basis of the content of acid volatile sulfide (AVS). AVS is the fraction of sulfide in the sediment that is extractable with cold hydrochloric acid and is a measurement for the capacity of the sediment to sequestrate metals. If the sequestering capacity is exceeded, the concentration of cadmium in the sediment is increased and the amphipods die. Attempts have been made to use AVS for determining the bioavailability to amphipods of copper in sediments (Ankley et al. 1993, cf. Ankley 1996). AVS significantly overestimated the bioavailability of copper, which was explained by the presence of another sequestration phase than AVS. The concept is based on the assumption that only the content in the pore water is available combined with a steady state consideration. This assumption cannot be expected to apply to sediment reworkers that swallow whole sediment particles and have digestive enzymes in the intestine for degradation of organic substances. Furthermore, the AVS method is limited in as much as it was developed to determine only the actual bioavailable fraction of metals and thus does not give a measurement for the potentially bioavailable fraction that may eventually become bioavailable, e.g., in relation to a change in oxygen conditions. No simple method based on chemical analysis has thus yet been found with which you can assess how large a part of the copper - especially in sediments - that is bioavailable and it is questionable under which conditions (sediment type, oxygen conditions) and for which organisms, the AVS method is valid. 2.3 Release and sequestration of copper in sedimentsDredging and dumping Measured release Bioturbation The replacement of sulfide-containing water by oxygen-containing water will also remobilize sulfide-sequestrated metals (Emerson et al. 1984, cf. Förstner et al. 1990) as the oxygen content of the water above the sediment is of great importance to the sequestration and release of metals from sediments. Measurements showed that, during summer periods with poor oxygen conditions in the harbour at Corpou Christi Bay, cadmium was sequestrated to sulfides while measurements showed a release during winter months with good oxygen conditions (Holms et al. 1974, cf. Förstner et al. 1990). There is thus no immediate reason to suppose that copper sequestrated in sulfides may not become bioavailable on a long view. 2.4 Bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity2.4.1 Bioaccumulation Copper is a micro-nutrient that live organisms need in small doses. Higher animals like fish can regulate the content of copper in their organism and, to some extent, they can accumulate copper in the lever but not in the muscles. If copper exists in the surroundings or in the food in very low concentrations, an accumulation may be the result of the organism utilizing copper as a nutrient. The interpretation of bioconcentration factors (BCF values) for an essential micro-nutrient like copper is thus difficult and no information is available in the investigations quoted on concentrations of copper and the requirements for copper of the organisms used. In short-term studies with algae (½-2 days), BCF values were measured at 1-40. In long-term studies with insects and mussels, the BCF values were considerably higher: In a 28-day study with mosquito larvae - in all probability in sediment - a BCF value of 5,830 was found; furthermore, BCF values of 5,000-10,000 were found in mussels during a period of 2-3 years (AQUIRE 1999). BCF values between 400 and 90,000 have been found in plankton and some lower organisms (Debourg et al. 1993). 2.4.2 Toxicity to aquatic organisms Aquatic organisms Table 2.1
In Denmark, quality criteria have been specified for copper in fresh water and seawater of 12 m g/L and 2.9 m g/L, respectively (The Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy, 1996). It is, however, stated that the criteria are based on data that have not finally been quality assessed. On the basis of 65 single-species laboratory tests with marine organisms, a PNEC value for copper has been calculated at 5.6 µg/L (Hall and Anderson 1998). The calculation method used is based on the distribution of the sensitivity of the organisms tested, and the calculated PNEC value theoretically protects 95% of the species with 95% confidence. This is, however, twice the lowest NOEC value in Table 2.1 (0.0031 mg/L = 3.1 µg/L). Ecosystem studies Swedish investigations have shown copper concentrations of up to 3 µg/L in the vicinity of pleasure craft harbours in areas in which the background concentration of copper was 0.8-0.5 µg/L. At the actual copper concentrations, no effects on planktonic algae were found (Wängberg et al. 1995). Bottom-living organisms Table 2.2
The three studies, in which the concentration is given in mg/L, may have been conducted in water without sediment. The other studies indicate that copper in sediment may cause effects on sediment-living animals at concentrations exceeding 100 mg/kg (Table 2.2). This is well over twice as much as the highest of the background concentrations stated but much lower than the concentrations measured in harbour sediments. 2.5 Assessment of copperCopper is an element and is thus not degradable. Copper can be "removed" from the aquatic environment by sorbing to and being buried in sediments outside the reach of organisms. Seen in a geological time perspective, large amounts of heavy metals have been discharged into the sea without causing serious ecotoxic effects as the sequestration of metals to the sediment has prevented this. In the aquatic environment, copper will sorb to inorganic and organic substances and particles. These sequestering conditions contribute to the occurrence of various species of copper. It is uncertain which species are bioavailable, and no reliable measuring methods for assessment of the size of the bioavailable fraction are available. Furthermore, the bioavailability of copper is not constant and must be view in different time perspectives. A differentiation must thus be made between the actual and the potential bioavailability. The actual bioavailability will typically be considerably less than the potential bioavailability. Furthermore, bioavailability is species specific and may also depend on physiology, nutrition, age, size and sex of the organisms in question. A permanent immobilization of copper can only occur at sequestration to particles and subsequent sedimentation on sediments with poor oxygen conditions with a permanent presence of sulfides. In reality, such conditions only exist in areas without resuspension, i.e., without bioturbation (macro fauna) and fishery with bottom trawl. The extension of these sediment types in Denmark is limited to a few holes in i.a. the archipelago south of Funen. Copper sorbed to particles that settle on sediments rich in oxygen with bioturbation will probably stay in the biological systems for many year. In deep waters, nutrients and trace metals, including copper, stay in the water phase as the particles attain to transformation in the water column before they reach the surface of the sediment. Harbour sediments are typically anoxic and have a high content of sulfides which will bind copper. Therefore, copper is expected to be relatively strongly sequestrated in harbour sediments. A release from the sediment at resuspension induced by e.g. the propellers of ships can, however, not be excluded. At regular intervals, the sediments in the harbours are dredged and the material is dumped at selected localities. Copper may be released at dumping and, typically for dumping sites in Denmark, the sediment will subsequently be spread by current and wave action. Stable dumping sites are difficult to find in Denmark and copper in the harbour sediments must be expected to be spread over large areas in connection with dumping. The toxicity of copper is dependent on the speciation and the bioavailability of copper in the water. The fact that copper is a micro-nutrient combined with the fact that the content of metal chelating substances may greatly vary in time and space and that the sensitivity of different species varies much, make it very difficult to compare different investigations. The concentrations, in which effects are measured in laboratory tests, are generally higher than the background concentrations stated for copper in the environment but concentrations measured in and in the vicinity of harbours are at the same level as or higher than concentrations in which effects have been measured. The organisms that are most sensitive to copper are algae and crustaceans and, in ecosystem tests of the sensitivity of algae, effects were measured at copper concentrations on the same level as background concentrations.