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Malaysian-Danish Country Programme for Cooperation in Environment and
Development (2002-2006)
Annex 2: References
Official policy documents
- Seventh Malaysia Plan 1996 2000
- Mid-term Review of the Seventh Malaysia Plan 1996 2000
- The Third Outline Perspective Plan 2001-2010.
- The Eighth Malaysia Plan 2001-2005
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Environment and Development (April 1992): Second Ministerial
Conference of Developing Countries on Environment and Development.
- The 2001 Budget
- The National Land Council (November 2000): National Forestry Policy 1978 (revised 1992)
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia (1998): National Policy on
Biological Diversity
- Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Development, Sabah (May 1994): A wildlife policy
and action plan for Sabah
- Economic Planning Unit, Prime Ministers Department (1993): Malaysia National
Conservation Strategy towards sustainable development
- Laws of Malaysia; National Forestry Act 1984 and National Forestry (Amendment) Act 1993
- Second Industrial Master Plan, 1996 2005 (IMP2)
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