Appendices 1-18 to: Report on the Health Effects of Selected Pesticide Coformulants

90     Human toxicity

90.1     Single dose toxicity
      90.1.1     Inhalation
      90.1.2     Oral intake
      90.1.3     Dermal contact
      90.1.4     Irritation
90.2     Repeated dose toxicity
90.3     Toxicity to reproduction
90.4     Mutagenic and genotoxic effects
90.5     Carcinogenic effects

90.1     Single dose toxicity

90.1.1     Inhalation

Two subjects exposed to rising concentration of PGME over two hours reported subjective signs of mild narcotic effects (headache, dizziness) at 300-400 ppm (corresponding to 1125-1500 mg/m3). When the concentration reached 1000 ppm, signs of CNS impairment occurred in one of the two subjects in a balancing test.  (Stewart et al. 1970).

90.1.2     Oral intake

No data were found.

90.1.3     Dermal contact

No data were found.

90.1.4     Irritation

Two male volunteers were exposed to steadily increasing PGME concentration from 1 to 2050 ppm (equivalent to 3.75 - 7700 mg/m3) over 2 hours. The odour was noted at less than 25 ppm (94 mg/m3) and reported as objectionable at 50-75 ppm (188 - 281 mg/m3). Mild eye irritation occurred at 300-400 ppm (1125 – 1500 mg/m3), eye, nose and throat irritation from 500 ppm (1875 mg/m3), and lachrymation and rhinorrhea from 750 ppm (2813 mg/m3). Severe eye irritation occurred in one of the two subjects at 1000 ppm (3750 mg/m3) and the man had to leave the chamber. The other man experienced severe lachrymation, blepharospasm, throat irritation and pain hindering him to breath through the nose at 2050 ppm (7700 mg/m3). The pain was reversible within 15 min. after ended exposure, while the eye irritation lasted for 1 hour and the nasal congestion was present for 24 hours. (Stewart et al. 1970).

Twenty-three men were exposed to 250 ppm (equivalent to 938 mg/m3) PGME for 1-7 hr. After 15-30 minutes, eight men experienced eye irritation, three had nose irritation, one had a headache and one had nausea. After 45-60 min, 20 men had developed eye irritation and increased blinking, 15 complained of nasal irritation, 2 of throat irritation and one had a headache. Ten men remained in the chamber after 2 hours, 8 of whom complained of eye and 5 of nasal irritation. All four subjects remaining in the chamber for 7 hr had eye irritation and lachrymation, while none of them could still detect the odour of PGME. (Stewart et al. 1970).

90.2     Repeated dose toxicity

No data were found.

90.3     Toxicity to reproduction

No data were found.

90.4     Mutagenic and genotoxic effects

No data were found.

90.5     Carcinogenic effects

No data were found.