AMAP Greenland and the Faroe Islands 1997-2001

Table 4.3.4. Results of statistical tests for difference in mean Cd concentrations in ringed seals from Avanersuaq. Trend gives the years in the order of decreasing mean concentrations on a logarithmic scale. Years underlined are not significantly different. * denotes significance at 5% level and ** denotes significance at 1% level. The power of the test is given if no significant difference was found (see text). Avanersuaq Trend Test Significance Power   Ringed seal, liver, 0 yrs 84/85 98 94 ANOVA       0.25        0.30 Ringed seal, liver, 1-3 yrs 84/85 98 94 ANOVA    <0.01** Ringed seal, liver, 4-6 yrs 84/85 94 98 ANOVA 0.71 0.12 Ringed seal, liver, > 6 yr 84/85 94 98 ANOVA 0.96 0.05