Deposition of Pesticides on the Soil Surface

Table of Contents


Sammenfatning og konklusioner

Summary and conclusions


Materials and methods

   1.1 Crop cover in 8 crops in the 1998-1999 growing season
   1.2 Deposition of spray liquid on the soil below four crops
      1.2.1 Winter wheat, spring barley, sugar beet and potato 1998/1999
      1.2.2 Winter wheat 1999/2000 and 2000/2001
      1.2.3 Spring barley 2000 and 2001
      1.2.4 Sugar beet 2000 and 2001
      1.2.5 Potatoes 2000 and 2001
   1.3 Interaction of spray quality and spray formulation on deposition of spray liquid on the soil

Discussion & Conclusions


Soil deposition values Appendix 1
   Winter wheat
   Spring barley
   Sugar beet