Udarbejdelse af handlingsplan for kølebranchen

Summary and conclusions

In some parts of the refrigeration trade, the phase-out of HFC refrigerants and the transition to natural refrigerants is associated with large-scale conversions.

For a number of years, the refrigeration associations have made a special effort to convert the refrigeration trade. In principle the target group comprises all "actors" who are affected by the phase-out of HFC.

The associations have carried out a hearing in the refrigeration trade to adjust and supplement the opinion and knowledge of the working group with the opinion of the refrigeration trade. Feed-back from the trade has been studied and discussed. The conclusion is that the trade to a large extent agrees with the associations.

Viewed in the light of these facts, the working group has prepared the following proposal for the selected and prioritised elements in support of the conversion of the refrigeration trade to HFC free systems.

Product development and test of components
Components made in Denmark for HFC free refrigeration systems.
Plant development and testing
Danish built units and commercial on-site plants for HFC free refrigerants.
Case-documentation of "first-time installations" for "reuse" of experience in refrigeration companies that carry out installation.
Company-specific development projects.
Legislation and "rules"
Conversion of requirements and rules to simple, distinct and practical guidelines.
Preparation of a "Danish Refrigeration Standard" or a Danish manual called "Køleståbi" for HFC free refrigeration plants.
Participation in national and international standardisation work.
Theoretical and practical training courses
Development and updating of issues for companies, skilled workers and persons working with tenders, plant design, calculations and planning.
Training equipment – with HFC free refrigerant for practical training and practicing.
Centre of HFC free refrigeration systems
Preparation, continual updating and dissemination of information material, of systematic documentation and dissemination of existing Danish and foreign knowledge of HFC free refrigeration plants, web-sites with outline of available components for HFC free plants, and of useful instructions, guidelines etc.
Access to consultancy services and assistance from a central place - either free of charge or reasonable in price.
Active contribution from Danish refrigeration associations
Continuous follow-up, ensurance of the "right" course and possible preparation of proposals for rearranging during the support period.
Contribute to dissemination of information.
Continually undertake ad hoc tasks for trade and authorities during the period of transition.

The project will be finalised at the end of 2006 when the ban on using HFC in new installations becomes effective. Up to that time, the associations to a limited degree follow up on the implementation of the units and on a current basis disseminate information and comments on the project and its implementation.


Version 1.0 April 2008, © Miljøstyrelsen.