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Kortlægning og vurdering af substitutionsmuligheder for phthalater i udvalgte produkter



It is technically possible to substitute the plasticizers phthalates in the majority of non-PVC-products.

This is the conclusion in this project in which the possibilities of substitutions of phthalates in selected non-PVC-products have been investigated.

Background and objective

The plastics industry in Denmark conducted in 1996 a survey of the possibilities of substituting phthalates in 28 different PVC-products.

The Danish EPA has initiated 7 projects concerning substitution of phthalates in various products.

The objective of this project was to render visible and impel the possibilities of substituting less problematic substances for plasticizing non-PVC-products for phthalates. Part of the objective was to calculate the economical consequences of a 100% substitution.

The investigation

This project was conducted in the following 2 phases:

1) Survey of the technical possibilities of substitution
2) Economical assessment of these possibilities.

The survey of technical possibilities of substitution has been conducted in close co-operation with the Danish Products Register and through contacts to several enterprises.

The economical assessment is based on an estimate of how the phthalates can be substituted 100%.


The assessments led to the following conclusions:

  • There are chemical substitutes for phthalates with apparently less impact on health and environment.
  • Further investigations are needed to conclude if the substitutes have less impact on health and environment.
  • The total costs of a 100% substitution of phthalates in non-PVC-products in Denmark are estimated to be around 30-35 million DKK. This is the best estimate.
  • The European producers of phthalates are not prepared for production of the substitutes. This production will be conducted by other sectors in the industry.


21 different chemical substances have been identified as possible substitutes for phthalates as plasticizer in non-PVC-products. The 21 substances are in the following distributed on the investigated non-PVC-products:

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The economic costs of the complete substitution of phthalates in 5 years are estimated to be in the range of 30-35 million DKK, equalling a substitution of 540 tons of phthalates. This is the central estimate. Low and high range estimates vary some +/-50% compared to the central estimate, and a broader sensitivity analysis indicates that the total costs could vary with a factor five compared to the central estimate (6-180 million DKK). Uncertainty relates inter alia to the level of current consumption and prices of phthalates, prices of substitutes, etc.

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