Risikovurdering af Giardia og Cryptosporidium i vand

Bilag C

1 Reduktionsfaktorer

Tabel 2 Rensning for Cryptosporidium i vand (citeret i Standridge, 2001)

Type af anlæg Eksperimentelt
Fjernelse log10
Koagulering + sedimentation + filtrering Pilot anlæg 4,2-5,2 Patania et al., 1995
Koagulering + sedimentation + filtrering Pilot anlæg >5,3 LeChevallier et al., 1991
Koagulering + sedimentation + filtrering Pilot anlæg. Baseret på reservoir og flodvand 2,1-2,8 Nieminski, 1995
Koagulering + sedimentation + filtrering Fuld skala 1,9-4,0 Nieminski & Ongerth, 1995
Koagulering + sedimentation + filtrering Fuld skala <0,5-3,0 LeChevallier et al., 1991
Direkte filtrering Fuld skala 1,3-3,8 Nieminski & Ongerth, 1995
Langsomt sandfilter (overfladevand) Fuld skala (>99,997%) Timms et al., 1995
Langsomt sandfilter Pilot anlæg >3,7 Schuler et al., 1988
Diatomaceaous jord filtrering Pilot anlæg >4,0 Schuler et al., 1988
Koagulering + mikrofiltrering Pilot anlæg >6,0 Jacangelo et al., 1995
Ultrafiltrering Pilot anlæg >6,0 Jacangelo et al, 1995

1.1 Referencer

Jacangelo J.G., S. S. Adham, and J. M. Laine. Mechanisms of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and MS2 virus removal by MF and UF. Journal AWWA 87 (9):107-121, 1995.

LeChevallier M.W., W.D. Norton, R.G. Lee, J.B. Rose. Giardia and Cryptosporidium in water supplies. AWWARF and AWWA, Denver, CO. 1991.

Nieminski E. C. and J. E. Ongerth. Removing Giardia and Cryptosporidium by conventional treatment and direct filtration. Journal AWWA 87 (9):96-106, 1995.

Nieminski E. C. Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts removal through direct filtration and conventional treatment. Ann. AWWA conf. New York, NY, June 19-23, 1994. Anonymous. Anonymous. 1995.

Patania N. L., JG Jacangelo, L. Cummings, A. Wilczak, K. Riley, and J. Oppenheimer. Optimization of filtration for cyst removal. Final report. Anonymous. Anonymous. Denver, Co.:AWWARF. 1995.

Schuler P. F., M. M. Ghosh, and S. N. Boutros. Comparing the removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium using slow sans and diatomaceous earth filtration. Proc. AWWA. Anonymous. Anonymous. 1988.

Timms S., J. S. Slade, and C. R. Fricker. Removal of Cryptosporidium by slow sand filtration. Water Science and Technology 31 (5-6):81-84, 1995.


Version 1.0 Februar 2006, © Miljøstyrelsen.